Private Equity Insights, Intelligence and Thought Leadership

SECTOR Analysis

Data-driven analysis of key sectors in private equity and venture capital with interviews from experts focussing on M&A drivers, value creation levers, and the sector’s outlook.

Private equity investment in UK
healthcare grows as sponsors focus
on quality

Sponsors focus on quality as activity
becomes highly selective

EXPERT Insights

Exclusive interviews featuring thought leaders and industry experts in the private equity community.

Driving Value in Private Equity:
The increasing importance of
robust Value Creation

Navigating Value Creation: Insights
on Market Shifts and Strategic Growth

GP Profiles

Exclusive insights from private equity professionals exploring investment strategies, performance metrics, key personnel, portfolio companies, and overall market positioning.

Actum Group GP Profile WestBridge

Actum Group GP Profile Sullivan Street

PE Market Reports

Flagship annual and quarterly reports detailing trends in private equity and venture capital through analysis of Actum data and insights from leading industry figures.

UK buyouts rise as risk aversion
shapes private equity deal activity

Slow and steady: UK private
equitysees gradual increase in 2024

Private Company Intelligence

CEO’s and Founders of private companies talk exclusively with Actum journalists about their strategic value creation and M&A intentions.

CloudPay’s move into profit may
accommodate acquisitions, geographic
expansion and advisory interest

Paysend to renew global expansion
following profitability focus

Q&A Interviews

Q&A: Interviews with CEO’s of portfolio companies and/or the investors backing them, exploring the value creation journey and key aspects related to acquisitions or future exits.

Actum Group QA 2025 Westbridge

Actum Group QA Paul Oldham,
Investor, BGF